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To ensure that your shipment is complete and handled as quickly as possible, review the quick checklist below before submitting your manuscript to Craniofacial Research:


  1. Check whether your manuscript is suitable for Craniofacial Research.


Please read the journal’s publication criteria to learn about what types of manuscripts we accept.


  1. Read the journal´s editorial policies.


Please review the editorial policies to understand the requirements that apply to your submission.


  1. Prepare financing and conflict of interest statements.


Please read our policies on disclosure of funding sources and potential conflicts of interest.


  1. Prepare your data.

Remember to deposit your data in an appropriate data repository or format and submit it as Supporting Information. Be prepared to provide a data availability statement. You can read our Data Availability policy for more information.


  1. Confirm the list of authors.


Make sure you have the following information for all authors listed on the manuscript:

– Full names, including initials if used.

– Affiliations.

– Email address.

– Any potential conflict of interest.

– Financing information.

– Author contributions.

– Author order.


Ensure that the corresponding author has an ORCID iD, and that all authors are aware of the submission. You can read more about authorship on our website.


  1. Verify that your study follows appropriate reporting guidelines.


Learn more about recommended reporting guidelines for different article types.


  1. Read the license agreement.


Craniofacial Research applies the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license to the works we publish. Under this license, the authors agree to make articles legally available for reuse, without permission or fees, for virtually any purpose. Anyone may copy, distribute, or reuse these articles, as long as the author and original source are properly cited.


Submission Guidelines


Style and format


Language Manuscripts can be submitted in Spanish or English.
Files format. Manuscript files should be sent via email in Microsoft Word format, with separate texts and tables. They should not be blocked or protected.
Length Please note that the manuscript should not exceed a total of 15 pages, which includes the text and the bibliographic references.
Font and size For your manuscript, use a standard font and size, except for the “Symbol” font. To add symbols, use the Insert → Symbol function or paste the appropriate Unicode character.
Layout and spacing The manuscript should be formatted in a single column with 1.5 spacing and 2.5 cm page margins.
Footnotes Footnotes are not permitted in the manuscript. Please move the information to the main text or reference list.
Abbreviations Abbreviations should be defined at their first appearance in the text. Non-standard abbreviations should only be used if they appear at least three times in the text. It’s important to keep abbreviations to a minimum.
Reference Style See Reference Format Examples.
Nomenclature Whenever possible, use established and correct terminology.

Units of Measurements: Use units of measurements from the International System of Units (SI).

International Terminology: Use Terminologia Anatomica, Histologica, Embriologica y Neuroanatomica.

Medications: When referring to medications, please use the Recommended International Nonproprietary Name (rINN).

Species names: When mentioning species names, write them in italics (for example, Homo sapiens). In the title of the manuscript and the first mention of an organism in an article, write the genus and species in full. After the first mention, you may use the first letter of the genus name followed by the full name of the species (e.g., H. sapiens).

Equations We recommend using MathType for visualization and online equations as it provides the most reliable result. If this is not possible, the Equation Editor or the Microsoft Insert → Equation function are acceptable.


Organization of the manuscript


The following is the recommended organization for manuscripts.


Instructions for each paper appear below the list.


– Title Page: Should include the title, authors, affiliations, and corresponding author.

– Summary.

– Introduction.

– Material and method.

– Results.

– Discussion.

– Conclusions (optional).

– Disclosures and statements.

– References.

– Figures and tables.


Other elements


– Figure and table files are sent separately.


Parts of a manuscript.


Title page.

– Title: The article title must be specific, concise, and understandable to non-experts in both Spanish and English without specialized abbreviations. The title cannot exceed 300 characters.


– List of authors:

Authorship requirements.

All authors are required to meet the authorship criteria as set out in the authorship policy. Individuals who have contributed to the work but do not meet the authorship criteria can be acknowledged in the Acknowledgments section. Additionally, the corresponding author must provide an ORCID iD when submitting the work. If you haven’t yet created your ORCID iD, you can do so during this phase.


Authors’ names.

Enter the authors’ names on the title page of the manuscript. On the cover, write the names of the authors in the following order:

Name (or initials, if used)

Middle name (or initials, if used)

Last name (first last name, and second last name if used)


– Affiliation.

Please ensure that each author in the list has an affiliation. Each membership should include affiliation with their respective department, faculty, university, or organization, along with the city and country. Each author may have a maximum of two affiliations. To describe the affiliation, please specify the department, faculty, or service, as well as the institutions to which each author belonged during the execution of the work, and the geographical location (city and country). The names of the authors will be published exactly as they appear in the manuscript file. Kindly review the information provided to ensure that it is accurate.


– Corresponding author.

The corresponding author serves as the main point of contact for the journal office. Each article can have only one corresponding author. It is important to clearly indicate the name, affiliation, and email of the author who will be the primary contact. The person designated as the corresponding author on the title page of the manuscript file will be listed as such at the time of publication.


Manuscript Development.


– Summary: The abstract should be structured and limited to 300 words. It should not contain quotes and should include no more than five keywords, preferably using MeSH or DeCS terms. Additionally, the summary in English must be included.


– Introduction: The introduction should provide background information that puts the manuscript into context, allowing readers outside the field to understand the study’s purpose and importance. It should define the problem addressed and explain why it is important. A brief review of key literature should be included, as well as any relevant disputes or disagreements in the field. It should conclude with a statement of the overall objective of the work.


– Material and Method: This section should provide sufficient detail to allow researchers with appropriate skills to replicate the study fully. For new methods, specific information and/or protocols should be included in detail. If the materials, methods, and protocols are well established, authors may reference articles in which those protocols are described in detail. However, the submission must include enough information to be understood independently of these references.


– Results: This section should describe the results of the experiments and can be divided into subsections, each with a concise subtitle, as appropriate.


– Discussion: In this section, the interpretation of the results must be carried out. Authors should explain how the results relate to the hypothesis presented as the basis of the study and provide a succinct explanation of the implications of the findings, particularly in relation to previous related studies and possible future directions for research. A discussion section may be included.


– Conclusions: Conclusions must be based on the results obtained, and authors should avoid exaggerating their conclusions.


– Disclosures and Statements: All authors are requested to include information on the availability of data and materials, acknowledgments (if applicable), and declarations of author contribution, funding source, financial or non-financial conflict of interest, and ethical approval. The decision to include such information depends not only on the scope of the journal but also on the scope of the article. Work submitted for publication may have implications for public health or general well-being, and in such cases, it is the responsibility of all authors to include appropriate disclosures and statements.


– Availability of data and materials: All data and related metadata underlying findings reported in the manuscript should be submitted to an appropriate public repository unless they have already been provided as part of the submitted article.


– Acknowledgements: Those who contributed to the work but do not meet our authorship criteria should be acknowledged with a description of their contribution. Authors must ensure that anyone named in the acknowledgments agrees to be named.


– Author contributions: Provide at least one contribution for each author in the submission system. Use the CRediT taxonomy to describe each contribution. Contributions will be published with the final article and must accurately reflect contributions to the work. The submitting author is responsible for completing this information at the time of submission, and we hope that all authors have reviewed, discussed, and accepted their individual contributions before this date.


– Funding Source: The funding sources that have supported the work must be described. This information will appear in the funding source disclosures section if your manuscript is published. The statement must include the full name of the sponsor(s) or funder and specific grant numbers. If the study was unfunded, include this sentence as a financial disclosure statement: “The author(s) did not receive specific funding for this work.”


– Conflict of interests: All potential competing interests must be declared in full. If the filing relates to any patent, patent application, or product in development or on the market, these details, including patent numbers and titles, must be fully disclosed.


– Ethical approval: Authors must include specific approval of the study from the appropriate ethics committee for research involving humans and/or animals and informed consent if the research involved human participants.


Please read our editorial policies for more information on disclosures and statements.




Please make sure that your reference list includes complete and up-to-date bibliographic details for each cited work at the time of your article submission (and publication, if accepted). It is recommended to use a maximum of 30 references, arranged alphabetically by the authors’ last name. Do not incorporate numbers into references.


When citing in the text, use the last name of the first author followed by the phrase “et al.”, after a comma, and the year of publication, enclosed in parentheses (e.g. Andrade et al., 2020). In the case of a single author, do not include the phrase et al. (e.g. Andrade, 2020). If the same author has publications in the same year, use a letter after the year to differentiate the reference (e.g. Andrade, 2020a; 2020b). Do not include citations in summaries.


One of the reference management tools, EndNote, provides a current style file that can help you format your references.


Use the abbreviations of journal names found in the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) databases.




Font Format
Papers Author AA. Title. Abbreviated name of the Journal. Year; Volume(issue):pages initial-final.

Autor AA, Author BB. Title. Abbreviated name of the Journal. Year; Volume(issue):pages initial-final.

Author AA, Author BB, Author CC. Title. Abbreviated name of the Journal. Year; Volume(issue):pages initial-final.

Yamashita AL, Iwaki Filho L, Leite PCC, Navarro RL, Ramos AL, Previdelli ITS, Ribeiro MHDM, Iwaki LCV. Three-dimensional analysis of the pharyngeal airway space and hyoid bone position after orthognathic surgery. J Craniomaxillofac Surg. 2017; 45(9):1408-14.

Books Author AA, Author BB, Author CC. Book Title. Edition. Place of publication: Editorial; Year. pages initial-final.

Guyton AC, Hall JE. Tratado de Fisiología Médica. 12ª ed. Madrid: Elsevier; 2011.

Book chapter Chapter Authors. Chapter Title. In: Director/Coordinator/Editors. Book Title Edition. Place of publication: Editorial; Year. pages initial-final of chapter.

Cordero Ampuero J. Biomateriales. En: Cáceres Palou E, Fernández Sabaté A, Fernández Portal L, Gómez-Castresana Bachiller F, Pérez-Caballer Pérez A, Rodríguez Merchán EC, coordinadores. Manual Secot de Cirugía Ortopédica y Traumatología. Madrid: Médica Panamericana; 2004. p.42-52.

Books with organization as author (corporate author) Corporate author. Title of the book. Place of publication: Editorial; Year.

Ministerio de Salud y Acción Social de La Nación. Secretaría de Salud. Programa Nacional de garantía de calidad de la Atención Médica. Buenos Aires: Ministerio de Salud y Acción Social; 1996.


Figures and tables.

Please note that the legends of the figures and tables should be included after the Bibliographic References and not as part of the table and figure files. When mentioning figures and tables in the text, use Arabic numbers for figures (Fig. 1, Fig. 2, etc.) and Roman numerals for tables (Table I, Table II, etc.). For figure legends, use “Fig.” instead of “Figure”, for example: Fig. 1, Fig. 2, Fig. 3, etc.

In-text citations of figures and tables must be made in ascending numerical order after their first appearance in the manuscript file.


Other elements.

Please send figure and table files separately.

Name the figure files in numerical order in the format: Fig. 1.jpg, Fig. 2.jpg, and so on. Please upload each figure as an individual file, separate from the article.

Lastly, ensure that the figures meet the following requirements.

Figure requirements.

Files format JPG o TIFF
Dimensions Minimum width: 8.4 cm or 990 pixels at 300dpi.

Maximum width: 19.05 cm or 2250 pixels at 300dpi.

Maximum height: 22.23 cm or 2625 pixels at 300dpi.


These are the recommended dimensions for images that are intended for publication. The closer your images are to these specifications, the better they will meet publication expectations.

Resolution 300 – 600 dpi

It is important to keep in mind that a low-resolution figure cannot be improved by just increasing the resolution in graphics software. In order to improve its quality, the shape should be recreated from the beginning. If the resolution is below 300, the published figures may appear blurry, jagged, or pixelated. On the other hand, if the resolution is higher than 600 dpi, it may cause a change in size of the published figure.

Files size <10 MB


Please ensure that all tables are submitted in Word format as a separate file from the main text. The files should be named in numerical order using the following format: Table I.docx, Table II.docx, Table III.docx, and so on.

The tables must be editable cell-based objects. We cannot accept tables that are graphical objects. To create your tables, please use the table tool in your text editing software. Do not include text boxes or graphics within your tables.


Documents that must accompany the submission.

Cover Letter.

All article submissions require a cover letter addressed to the editor and signed by the corresponding author. The letter must state that the article has been read and approved by all authors, that authorship requirements have been met, and that it has not been published or submitted to another journal simultaneously. You can download the cover letter template from the provided link.

Authorship Disclaimer.

Every author of the submitted article must complete the “declaration of authorship responsibility” form in accordance with the recommendations of the international committee of medical journal editors. You can download the form directly from the Craniofacial Research website.

Declaration of Potential Conflicts of Interest.

Every author of the submitted article must complete the “ICMJE uniform disclosure form for potential conflicts of interest” form, which is available on the website.

The editor will decide whether to make these statements known to the external reviewers and will include those they deem relevant in the text of the publication, depending on the nature of the article.


Manuscript submission.


Ph.D. Sergio Olate Morales


Craniofacial Research

Center of Excellence in Morphological and Surgical Studies

University of La Frontera

Temuco – Chile

E-mail: [email protected]